Spent this past weekend at Artists’ Collective Workshop of Gothenburg (KKV Göteborg). I attended a workshop on using screenprint on paper (led by gifted and energetic artist Alexandra Hedberg). I wanted to find out if it's possible to make ok multiple color prints on paper from my drawings and foremost, if it's worth the effort to do it (as opposed to just make high quality prints at a digital printshop). I found out it is. I'm quite enthustiastic by the results actually.
The grain in the blue color is quite lovely and think it looks good even if the colors don't align perfectly.
The next step is to design a series of pictures for this purpose and to look into the possibilitie to sell them through my web-site. I will also use silkscreen printing for my book/cd-project wich hopefully will see the ligh of day later this year.
Thank you Alexandra and fellow workshop participants for an intensively inpiring weekend!